The Chiricahua Apache Mimbreno Nde Nation is related to the Chiricahua Apache Warm Springs Bands.
The Mimbrenos lived in West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California and Mexico.
The ancestors of the Mimbreno Apaches (Mimbres) were from the Athabascan and Mogollon Cultures.
Genetic evidence shows that the Paquimé and the Mimbres, also known as the Mogollon, are all one people.
From The American Southwest Virtual Museum:
“The Mimbres people, also called Mimbrenos, were concentrated around the Mimbres River in southwestern New Mexico from around A.D. 800 – 1250. The name Mimbres is a Spanish word meaning “willows,” which grew abundantly along the banks of the Mimbres River.
Earlier house architecture and pottery styles bear strong resemblance to the broader Mogollon culture of the Southwest, and Mimbres people shared many similarities with other prehistoric Puebloan cultures, including village life that evolved into relatively large pueblos, a mixed subsistence strategy of hunting-gathering and agriculture, and use of kivas for ceremonial and community purposes.
The Mimbres culture is perhaps best known for the production of elaborately painted black-on-white pottery depicting human figures, realistic animals, and geometric designs. Parrots and saltwater fish depicted on some pots indicate that Mimbres people traveled widely, maintaining ties with people far to the south.
The Classic Mimbres period ended around A.D. 1130. The larger communities were abandoned and the pottery styles changed. However, the people continued, reorganizing themselves in smaller communities, and later, becoming part of the Tularosa tradition to the north and the Southern Desert phenomenon to the south.”
See the ORIGINS page for more of our history.
Wikipedia Article of the Mogollon Culture, the ancestors of the Mimbreno Apache.
Erected by: New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
Click HERE to go to Historical Marker Database Website
People have lived in the Mimbres Valley since at least 2000 B.C. and probably earlier. Small villages of farmers lived in pithouses—underground single-family structures—by A.D 200. Around A.D. 1000, people began erecting pueblos, similar to the one at nearby Mattocks Ruin, that housed up to 200 people.
32° 48.054′ N, 107° 55.927′ W. Marker is near Hanover, New Mexico, in Grant County. Marker is on State Road 35, 0.2 miles north of State Road 152, on the right when traveling north.
Touch for map. Marker is in this post office area: Hanover NM 88041, United States of America. Touch for directions.
Chief Carlos Runningwolf is descended from Chief Nana and Chief Naiche (Natchez).

Our relatives are Geronimo, Cochise and Magnus Coloradus.

Our chiefs were Victorio, Loco the Peacemaker, Naiche (Natchez).

External Links:
- History of the Chiricahuas (Wikipedia)
- Texas Beyond History: University of Texas at Austin
- Map of Texas & The Adjacent Regions in the 18th Century
- The Chiricahua Apache Nation on
- History of the Mimbrenos Band on Wikipedia (Under Construction)